Sunday, May 15, 2011

Biography of Sherrilyn Kenyon

The Author, Sherrilyn Kenyon (

                Sherrilyn Kenyon was born on December 11, 1965 in Columbus, Georgia.  Kenyon had three siblings; two brothers and an older sister.  Despite the family being whole when she was born, Sherrilyn’s father later left the family when she was eight years old.  Due to money problems, Sherrilyn and her brothers were forced to live with other family in Atlanta; her mother and sister later reunited with them.  Though life was not easy, Sherrilyn enjoyed and excelled in writing.  As far back as kindergarten, she remembers wanting to become a writer.  At age fourteen she made her first professional sale in writing and continued writing for magazines, local newspapers, school newspapers, and yearbooks throughout high school.
                After high school, Sherrilyn was accepted to the Savannah College of Art and Design.  Though she had the desire to have a career in writing, she originally decided to major in art, but later decided to major in history due to the cost of art supplies.  Kenyon looked into over 12 majors during her college career, but finally graduated with an interdisciplinary major combining history, language, and Classical Studies.  After graduating from college, Sherillyn wrote her first manuscript, and was ready to send it to publishers and start a career in writing.
                Since her college days, Kenyon has had many literary successes.  Kenyon has written non-fiction such as in magazines and newspapers, fiction, horror, and even romance novels.  Her most famous series to date are:  Dark Hunter, Dream Hunter, The League, and Chronicles of Nick; all of which are fiction.  Nearly all of the novels Kenyon writes become a part of her existing series.  She has won multiple awards, such as: the Holt Medallion, the MARA award, Best Novella, Best Fantasy Novel, Best Romantic Anthology, and multiple best seller awards.  As she continues writing for her various series, there is no doubt that there will be more awards to come.
                Sherrilyn’s writing style, unlike most authors, is very ‘short and sweet’; to the point instead of giving unneeded information.  Instead of describing every thought a character has within their mind or overly describing a scene, she gives you the basics to understand the situation.  Along with that, the vocabulary is very basic, making it unnecessary to ever look a word up in the dictionary.  Due to this, her novels are very easy to read, requiring very little thought.  They are the perfect way to pass time.  Hopefully, her writing style will continue to remain the same throughout her upcoming books.
                As always, Sherrilyn Kenyon has new and upcoming novels, as displayed on her fansite.  Beginning in August of this year, Retribution will be released, a part of the Dark Hunters series.  Next to be released are: Alternant, The Guardian (part of the Dark Hunter series), Infamous (part of the Chronicles of Nick), Darkness Within, Daemon’s Angel, and finally, Alpha (Daria).  The next two years prove to be busy for Kenyon, however, she enjoys writing and says, “I don't suffer from my insanity -- I enjoy every minute of it” ( 

1 comment:

  1. Did you know it is becoming a movie or a television show?
